"StixnStones" Blog

Choosing Premium Grade Travertine over Commercial Grade Travertine

Posted by Teresa Batterson on Thu, Jul 28, 2011 @ 15:07 PM

Prior to purchasing Travertine, it is crucial to know what type you are getting. Travertine can range in terms of quality, style, cut, thickness, and color. Before installing Travertine in your home, it is helpful to know the different qualities of each type so you know what you are getting.


Premium Grade Travertine comes in a wide variety of colors – each color is consistent. There is little or no discoloration; where as Commercial Grade Travertine has a high possibility of having black or gray markings. Premium Grade Travertine has an even thickness throughout – it is not porous.  First the travertine is filled by a machine, and any remaining holes are filled in by hand, making Premium Grade Travertine twice as thick as Commercial Grade Travertine.


Commercial Grade Travertine is likely to have holes as a result of not being hand filled. In addition, Commercial Grade Travertine may have cracks or breaks along the sides, as opposed to Premium Grade Travertine which is evenly cut, with 90 degree angles.  The even cut makes for smooth edges, lacking any breakage. In the long run, Commercial Grade Travertine will be more costly due to ongoing maintenance from resulting cracks or breaking.

Premium Grade Travertine is the smarter choice due to its better performance and long-term benefits. Think of the tiles on your kitchen floor – you want to apply a Travertine that won’t break, that is evenly colored, and has a consistent thickness. For more information on Premium Grade Travertine, contact us!

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Topics: Premium Grade Travertine, Travertine, Commercial Grade Travertine